entertainment nepal

Friday, September 3, 2010

Paragliding, new adventure sports and life time experience!!!!!!!!

5:57 AM by AddictGamer ·
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Paragliding is a simplest form of human flight. The pilot sits in a harness for maximum comfort. With a paraglider, you can fly like a bird, soaring upwards on currents of air. Paragliders routinely stay aloft for 3 hours or more, climb to elevations of 15, 000, and go cross-country for vast distances.

This latest adventure sports of Nepal draws huge tourists every year. Come to Nepal to look up into the sky and see the mighty towers of The Himalayas for an unforgettable excitement and memories to last and same goes if you look down where your eyes will capture greeneries, magnificent valleys unmatched like anywhere on this planet. Nepal is often called "Shangrilla". Flying in the sky you can   view both Himalayas as well as fly up above the Shangrilla to feel it, literally! 

Gliding is a weather dependent sports and the flying season in Nepal commences from November through February, the best months being November and December. The takes off point for these flights is Sarankot (1592m.), which also offers prime views of Fewa lake and mountains at sunrise and sunset (provided the skies are clear) and the landing is by the Fewa lake. No previous experience is required as qualified pilots provide a short briefing before launching.

Paragliding Programs:
In the morning, after breakfast drive to Sarankot (1592m) Paragliding spot.
After arrival on the spot, briefing about flying by expert& professional pilot and fly.
About an hour of exiting flight, during the flight you have breathe taking panorama views of Annapurna Range, beautiful Mt. Fish Tail, Annapurna South, Himchuli, Annapurna II, III, IV, Lamjung Himal, Mt. Manashlu and great Mt. Dhaulagiri togethere with landscape panorama and Fewa Lake.
After landing transfer to hotel and rest or join the further program according to your itinerary.
This exiting short flight trip can be done after or before the trekking when you have rest day in Pokhara.


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