entertainment nepal

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Asha Bhosle to Act in bollywood movie "Maaee"!!!!

7:42 AM by AddictGamer ·
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Renowned playback singer Asha Bhosle who has mesmerised generations with her singing prowess and versatility, is making her full-fledged debut as an actress in Hindi film 'Maaee'.
Asha Bhosle in mood

The 77-year-old singing diva told PTI that she took up the project written and directed by Mahesh Kodiyal for "fun".
"I have been singing since childhood and over the years sang songs from different languages from India and across the globe. I can't be repeating myself and was looking for some new opportunity till 'Maaee' came along a fortnight ago," Asha said.
Asha bhosle with shabna Azmi & kareena

According to the evergreen singer, she had no qualms about teaming up with a writer-director who is a newcomer.
"Even I am a newcomer as an actor," she said. Asha refused to divulge details about the film and her role except saying that 'Maaee' meant mother.
Perhaps the signs of her acting ability were already there in her music videos and even her on-camera interviews. No one who has seen Ashaji in her music videos can deny that she has an irresistible magnetism and undeniable charm on camera. It is that magnetism and charm that made producer Nitin Shankar decides on Ashaji as the perfect person to embody the title role in his debut Hindi Feature film ‘Maaee’. The film tells the poignant tale of what happens when a woman is abandoned by her only son and then goes to live with her daughter and son-in-law.

SInging Sensation Asha

It is a complex role, but director Mahesh Kodiyal (who comes to film after a long and illustrious career directing advertising films) has no doubt that Ashaji will be able to do it with flying colours.
And the producers Subhash Dawar and Nitin Shankar (Alliance Entertainment & Rhythm D'vine Entertainment Pvt Ltd) and the director, Mahesh Kodiyal are certainly hoping that she will sprinkle this project too with her magic dust. For talent, as we all know, is rare and unpredictable - and everyone connected with the project feels lucky that a talent as rare and mercurial as Ashaji is going to be their ‘Maaee’. 
'Maaee' is expected to go on floors on April 24, her father's death anniversary and release probably in June. To a question on whether she plans to produce and direct films after making an acting debut, Asha said she does not believe in planning her future.


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