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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oscars' (2011)Five Best Moments!!!

7:13 AM by AddictGamer ·
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This year's Academy Awards are already just a memory, but Hollywood's annual glamour fest provided some poignant and funny moments along the way. 

Here are some of the funny moments  from the show: 

1. Justin Timberlakeand Mila Kunis's Crackling Delivery
The Friends with Benefits costars were together again, their onscreen chemistry translating to the stage, too. The witty Timberlake cracked Kunis up with his deadpan delivery of several jokes, literally causing her to double over with laughter at one point as they presented awards for animated films. 

2. Harry Potter and Twilight Get the Auto-Tune Treatment
Add some clever technological maneuvers, and presto – a serious confrontation between Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 becomes a hilarious musical created with Auto-Tuned voices. Edward, Bella and a shirtless Jacob – Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner – also got the same treatment during a scene from Twilight: Eclipse, jokingly titled "He Doesn't Own a Shirt." 

3. Christian Bale Chokes Up Paying Tribute to His Wife
Bale has played a gruff, gravelly voiced Batman, a grizzled boxer in his Oscar-winning performance in The Fighter, and myriad of other tough-guy roles. So when he choked up when it came to thanking his wife, Sandra "Sibi," it was a departure for the towering Brit. "Of course mostly my wonderful wife (pause) ah – I didn't think I was like this – my wonderful wife who is my mast through the storms of life, I hope I'm likewise to you, darling," he said from the stage. Judging by her beaming face, it seems he is. 

4. Luke Matheny: Big Winner, Big Hair
When he won the Oscar for his Live Action Short Film God of Love – a comedy about a lounge-singing darts champion – Matheny, sporting a huge mass of curly locks, immediately admitted, "I should've gotten a hair cut!" His enthusiastic acceptance speech and his shout-out to his mom for helping out on craft services brought some more charm to the proceedings – and loud applause from the audience. 

5. Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr.'s Banter
It got physical, with Law putting a hand on Downey's chest before telling him to "shut up." His reason? As Law earnestly introduced the nominees for the Visual Effects Oscar, Downey interrupted him to criticize the category – more than once. "If it wasn't for them, your closest association with a superhero would have been in 2001 when you got busted in a cheap hotel with a woman dressed as Bat Girl," Law ribbed the Iron Man star. After a brief, stunned pause, Downey Jr. clarified, "First, that cheap hotel room cost $1,250 a night, with a corporate discount. Secondly, it was 2000 and not 2001. And most importantly, she was dressed as Wonder Woman." Later, Downey Jr. added, "Jude Law no longer has a ride to the after parties if anyone's interested." The stone-faced actors, who starred in Sherlock Holmes together, were clearly joking about any disagreement, making the faux rivalry all the more fun. 


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